March Meet The Maker, Day 1 - My Story

My story... where do I even begin? What do I even say? Once upon a time a man and woman had a baby... fast forward 27 years and she is sat on a sofa in Rainham. My name is Rosie Twinkle Clay. I am a libra. I am a feminist. I am a mummy, a step mummy, and have a wonderful partner, Tom. A crazy pup, two beautiful felines and a lil fish. - *UPDATE* the fish died 😫💔🐟 rest in watery heaven, Tough-nut. 

Mental illness doesn’t define me but it does take up a lot of my time and energy, and I don’t know where to begin to explain the severity of my  experiences. I’m autistic, and this means that the way the social world is built doesn’t make sense or work for me. I get very emotional and angry at the world and it’s problems, and for my whole life I have sat wide awake at night pondering my existence amongst other way-too-deep questions. My work is an attempt to answer those questions, and to create things that might help others, as well as myself, to see the beauty in the world.

I’m just starting out with taking myself and my art seriously, I figured we’re only here once so why not go for it 🤷🏼‍♀️ anyway thanks for reading all this and I hope you enjoy the posts to come ☺️

#marchmeetthemaker #dayone #loveyourself #ceramic #ceramicist #mentalhealth #talkaboutit #actuallyautistic #asd #artistsoninstagram #artist #ceramicart 


How to organise multiple sketchbooks, a journey.