March Meet The Maker, Day Three: Time

Drawn lines using my own hair and ink, 2020.

Drawn lines using my own hair and ink, 2020.

Time is a weird one isn’t it. A construct. A force. A father. Time is a precious resource and something that I am so grateful for and often too wary of. Time slows down when I make anything, and in a way everything I make is intrinsically about time, but isn’t everything? 🤔

If a mark on paper is a record of time, a mark on a jug is a whole diary.

Most of my time is spent with my little girl Maisy and I love every second I see her little face, but time is fleeting by, and it’s something that if we try to grab it will go faster. We need to allow time to rest with us and us with it. One of the ways I do this is to simply make some marks on paper, or on some clay, depending on how much I have to tell.

#time #fathertime #markmaking #marchmeetthemaker #gettingdeep #philosophy #lines #ink #waves #drawing #linedrawing #paper #writing




How to organise multiple sketchbooks, a journey.